Why Non-Alcoholic Drinks Aren't Cheap?
Alcohol-free drinks have never been so popular, there are now so many options for anyone wanting to take a break from alcohol. At CraftZero we specialise in craft zero-alcohol drinks including spirits, wine and non-alcoholic beers.
One question we are asked a lot is why aren't non-alcoholic drinks cheaper, without the tax and alcohol content shouldn’t zero alcohol drinks be a lot cheaper than their alcoholic equivalents?
Many people feel these drinks should cost the same as soft drinks because they are alcohol-free, but they are not the same thing and in this post, I'll explain why.
Zero alcohol drinks are a speciality craft
The price of alcohol-free drinks are based on 3 main things; the manufacturing process, the quality of ingredients and the demand.
Non-alcoholic wine for example, starts off as real alcoholic wine and it is that base wine that determines the final price. Alcoholic wine can range from under $10 a bottle to hundreds of dollars depending on the winery and quality of the grapes.
In order to get a great tasting non-alcoholic wine it is important that the base wine is exceptional so this is where the price starts to add up. Then there is the additional cost to remove the alcohol. A great example of this is the Next Destination Barossa Valley Shiraz, this alcohol removed Shiraz retails for $19.95, but if it was bottled as an alcohol wine it would retail for over $40. In this case, the non-alcoholic version is significantly cheaper.
Great craft non-alcoholic beer is much more expensive to make than mass produced beer and this is mostly due to high quality ingredients, the unique craft recipe and complex manufacturing process and smaller production runs. There are 2 ways to create non-alcoholic beer which we explore in this blog: How to Make Non-Alcoholic Beer
The creation of great tasting zero-alcohol spirits is also a unique craft and takes time to get right, recreating the flavour profiles of traditional alcoholic drinks and cocktails is still a new process and not yet at mass production levels. Brands such as Ms Sans and Sans Bar are great affordable options because they limit their retail distribution avoiding major stores and instead passing on lower prices directly to their customer.
The Non-Alcohol Drink Industry
Zero alcohol drinks are here to stay, According to a recent forecast published by Fortune Business Insights, the global non-alcoholic beverage market size could potentially reach $1,257 Billion by 2027. This category is experiencing rapid growth while alcoholic sales are decreasing. According to a Nielsen report, retail sales of non-alcoholic drinks in the US reached 116% this year while sales of regular beers fell 4%.
If one is to look at it as a societal issue, we can see this as a shift to a healthier lifestyle—as more and more individuals make a conscious effort to reduce alcohol consumption. It can also be seen as a positive response to the growing wellness movement.
After the pandemic, many people have embraced healthier options when it comes to the food and drinks they consume. Excess alcohol consumption is linked to a plethora of health issues and non-alcoholic drinks are the perfect way to cut down or take a break without disrupting your routine or social habits.
Our Top 3 Budget Conscious Non-Alcoholic Drinks
There are many great drinks in this space that are budget friendly. For a great non-alcoholic swap for a $20 bottle of white wine, try the 1920 Pinot Grigio. It has consistent 5 star reviews and a great dry profile with flavours of Nashi pear, granny smith apples and citrus!
For gin lovers looking for a direct replacement for a good $50 bottle of London Dry, try the Sans Bar Notting Hill Stroll for $34.95
For a great easy drinking craft lager replacement try the Beneficial Beer Co Stone Cold Lager. A classic all-malt lager with traditional malt, this beer is perfectly crafted to retain that balanced soft bitterness.
I haven’t had a glass of Red wine or Port for over 2 1/2 years. Now l’ve given up the White wine. I’m drinking approx 2 mid strength beers a day and zero alcohol for anymore. Hopefully l can get of the alcoholic beer completely. I’ve been drinking for over 50 years. It’s not easy but l think l can do it. I owe it to my dogs to stick around. They’re my reason for the life change. Wish l had of done this years ago. I’m 67.
Hi i decided to give up alcohol 4 months ago I was drinking far too much and very rarely had an alcohol free day.Since giving up i feel so much better and i am sleeping so much better. Thanks for the zero alcohol products i feel this has helped me tremendously both in beer and wine.It may be more expensive but it certainly is very moorish.I found on my journey that it was hard to see an add on tv of people having a wine or beer so I decided to go get some new wine glasses to see how that made me feel to drink zero alcohol wine in a wine glass and it did the trick although it is in my head i now feel that I am normal again,same goes for the beer incert in to a stubby holder and i was fine.May I add i got rid of the glasses and stubby holders originally so I wasn’t tempted.Here’s hoping for better health and longer time spent with my grandchildren 😄👍