Top 10 Ways to ‘Pretend You’re Drinking’ Before Sharing Your Big News
Finding out you're expecting is an exciting moment, but sometimes you just aren’t ready to share the news yet. Maybe you’re waiting for the right time, or you just can’t be bothered dealing with a hundred questions from your mates. Either way, the struggle of hiding your pregnancy in a drinking culture—especially in Australia—is real.
So, what do you do when your friends expect you to be sipping on a cocktail, wine, or beer at the next gathering? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are 10 clever and creative ways to fake it until you’re ready to spill the beans.
1. The “Pre-Drinks Fake-Out”
If you're heading to a party or event, arrive with your own drinks already in hand. Bring a six-pack of non-alcoholic beer or a bottle of non-alcoholic wine so no one questions what you're drinking. Better yet, pre-pour a non-alcoholic wine into an empty alcoholic bottle at home—no one will check the label when you’re pouring from it.
2. The "Oh No, I Just Started a Round" Trick
Aussies love a shout, but this works to your advantage. If you're at a bar or pub, just say, "Oh, I just grabbed a drink, but I’ll get the next round!" Then, conveniently forget to go up when it’s your turn. People rarely keep track, and if they do, just tell them you’re still working on yours.
3. The Classic “Fake Sip”
This is one of the easiest tricks—just hold a drink and pretend to sip. If it's a mixed drink like a vodka soda, you can order just soda and lime at the bar (no one will know the difference). If it’s wine, have a full glass in hand but keep busy chatting or using your other hand. Most people won’t even notice you haven’t actually taken a sip.
4. The “Ditch and Refill” Move
If someone hands you an alcoholic drink you can’t refuse, take a sneaky trip to the bathroom and pour it down the sink. Then, top it up with water or soda. It works best with white wine, vodka sodas, or gin-based drinks—just make sure no one’s watching when you do it!
5. The "Mum’s Watching My Drinks" Excuse
For family gatherings where people will notice if you're not drinking, say your mum or partner made you promise to take it easy. A simple, "Mum said I have to be the responsible one tonight," or, "I’ve got an early morning, so my partner told me to behave," can get you out of questioning.
6. The “Sick from Last Night” Cover-Up
Aussie culture loves a big night out, so use it to your advantage. If someone asks why you’re not drinking, say, "Oh mate, I had a few too many last night, so I’m taking it easy." People will laugh, move on, and even praise you for being responsible.
7. The "Mystery Drink in a KeepCup" Trick
Nothing screams inconspicuous like a KeepCup or travel coffee mug. Fill it with non-alcoholic wine, kombucha, or just sparkling water and bring it to BBQs, picnics, or house parties. No one questions a KeepCup, and even if they do, just say it’s "iced tea".
8. The “Straight From the Bottle” Hack
For house parties or BYO events, bring your own non-alcoholic beer or wine and never pour it into a glass. People are less likely to ask about your drink if you're casually sipping from the bottle. Some non-alcoholic beers look exactly like regular ones, so no one will suspect a thing.
9. The "Bartender Has My Back" Plan
If you're at a bar, have a quick word with the bartender before ordering. Ask them to make you a mocktail in a fancy glass or pour soda and lime in a gin and tonic glass. Bartenders love being in on a secret and will happily serve you “drinks” that look boozy but aren’t.
10. The “Watered-Down Wine” Illusion
This trick is for when someone insists on pouring you a glass of wine. Hold onto your glass, take tiny fake sips, and every time you go to the bathroom, add a bit of water. By the end of the night, you’ll be drinking what looks like wine but is mostly water, and no one will even notice.
Keeping the Secret Until You’re Ready
The early weeks of pregnancy are special, and when you’re not quite ready to share the big news, these tricks can help you blend in without awkward questions. Whether you’re at a wedding, pub night, work event, or family BBQ, these creative ways to “pretend” to drink will keep the secret safe until you’re ready to celebrate properly.
The best part? Non-alcoholic drinks have never been better, so you don’t have to miss out on the taste of a good beer or wine while you wait to spill the beans. At Craftzero, we stock a huge range of non-alcoholic wines, beers, and spirits, making it easier than ever to enjoy a drink without the alcohol.
Ready to stock up on non-alcoholic drinks?
Check out our full range of delicious alcohol-free options and sip worry-free until you're ready to make the big announcement!